As we were hiking on Saturday a group of twenty somethings were causing quite a ruckus just off the trail. I wondered if they were enjoying a libation, an herb substance or just a private joke. The sounds of wow I found another one and look at the size of this one aroused my curiosity. I ventured over and asked what discovery had caused such jubilation. The answer mushrooms. Spongy Mushroom an edible variety. They showed me the ones collected which were going home to dinner.
The group continued along the trail passing back and forth as we all made our way to the waterfall. The young people left the falls just before us. On the way down I spotted this gem,
I yelled!" hey mushroom people I found a mushroom".
Probably deciding to humor an old lady the hunters came back. The return was worth it. I had discovered a rare but deadly mushroom.
The mushroom expert dug up the beauty to show me the pink underside. The base was large and buried deeply. He kept the specimen for his collection.
Maybe I will start to learn about these treasures of nature.
More Ruby Tuesday here.
5 years ago