Since coming to Montana I find I have more energy. Maybe it is all the running up and down stairs I did this summer that has made me stronger. The comfortable cool tempertures here just drive you into the outdoors. Also winter is coming and everyone tells me to soak up the sun while I can. The obsession with the sun is strange to me. After all I am use to sun about every day of the year. So when I learned there was a waterfall a short drive out of town I knew we had to hike to the falls. It was a short hike, a little over half a mile.

The trail was not to steep. It curved and turned back on itsself as we (huffed and puffed a little) our way up the mountain.

This waterfall must have been a hundred feet high.
Spectacular! Worth the hike.

The mighty hunter sniffs out his prey.

That hike was a challenge. I need a drink. Ahhhh a refreshing mountain stream. Nectar of the gods.

Boss decided to do a little fishing in the creek.

I guess that one got away.
Wow Moosh..what beautiful scenery to hike in...lucky ducky you...
Spectacular area for hiking!
Boss is adorable. I really miss him especially when I see his pictures, they make me miss him more he is so cute. Contuine to enjoy that baby he is special
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