Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

There are many kinds of berries here. I wish I knew what they were and if edible. I might make jelly.

These first two photos were taken last week.

I took this one today.
More Ruby Tuesday here


Kirigalpoththa said...

Seen lot of berries but these are new to me..

Lindy said...

These are pretty shots - even the one with that nasty snow on it! LOL!

As for identifying the berries, you might cut a small twig with the berries and leaves and ask the local county extension office to identify them. Good luck. Let us know what you find out.

Happy RT and hope your weather warms up a bit!

Heidi said...

SNOW?! I love snow, but isn't it a bit early for it? It is going to be a COLD winter. We need it here, how about you?
I am not sure what the berries are called but they sure are beautiful.
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.

Mrs.Who said...

Ohhh I love your pictures. How beautiful with the snow. Snow already boy wonder how are north are you. We have yet to have any snow but I hear it's going to be a very cold one.

Please stop by and visit. You may also want to join in on a giveaway.

Felisol said...

The last one looks exactly lie a rowantree. Rowan jelly tastes wonderful with heavy red meat, like moose.
But do ask a botanist or a gardener before making your jelly.
Nice pictures.
From Felisol

Rambling Woods said...

Hello Moosh..pretty berries, but I have no idea what they are or if you could eat them.. Thank you for posting to Nature Notes.... Michelle

Dawn Fine said...

Beautiful berry shots..i came here via nature notes...but i guess its the link below you meant to use for nature notes...
anyway...i enojoyed the all..thanks

RA said...

The berries look very inviting. Great rubies! Have a wonderful week :)

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

When berries ripen,
fruiting season’s at an end—
prepare for winter.

My Ruby Tuesday

Anonymous said...

Interesting berries, Moosh. I'm amazed that you have snow already. Where do you live?

gel said...

Enjoyed your snow pix so much, returned from Nature Notes to see more. Pretty flowers! Also. LOVE the "Ruby Tuesday" photo. Wizard of Oz Movie rocks! Where we live there is a restaurant by the name Ruby Tuesday.