I want to introduce you to the latest man in my life. Not that there has been a revolving door of men. In fact he is the first new man in at least twenty years. But oh what a man! He was worth the wait.
He is the sweetest kindness man on earth. He never argues. Now that is quite a trait for all men I know love to disagree with many things their companion says. He is thrilled when I walk through the door, can't give me enough attention or get enough hugs.
When I am busy or preoccupied he will sit patiently and amuse himself. Then when I am ready to play he is charmed at my interest and will happily take a walk or play games with me.
He is not a picky eater and loves everything I feed him. He never question the food or how it was prepared just gobbles it down and licks his lips.
He was a perfect traveling champion on our camping trip. Sat quietly and looked at the scenery. Did not backseat drive. Was happy to get out and stretch his legs when we stopped.
He wakes me in the morning by nuzzling my neck or a very loud yawn. His jet black eyes gaze into mine and he makes me smile.
He was kind of scruffy when he came into my life but cleans up well. I don't know, I think I like the scruffy look better.
So who is this unbelievable man. He is a four year old schnauzer, his name is Boss.
3 years ago
1 comment:
Iam so glad you and Boss our having so much fun OO how I wish I could be with you I hope Mark is having as much fun as you and Boss
I think it is so wonderful you or enjoy life keep it up love mom
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