Here in Montana there seems to be a fascination with Mexican Food. There are more Mexican restaurants than in Arizona. I counted ten in the phone book. This little mural was on the building where I had the bad breakfast. I didn't know when I went in that was their specialty. Since I work in a Mexican restaurant I really would eat something different on my day off. That is why I ordered the breakfast. Maybe I should have stuck to the Mexican food.

More Ruby Tuesday here
Hi Moosh, I think Mexican food is taking over the Southwest. And to think about it, so are the Mexicans. I like your pictures, that should be a warning, 'sleeping hot.'
We have a fellow with his crew is genuinely from Mexico. With citizenship. One of the homes here that we had been having him mow just got sold. We gave him the new owner's phone number, which he contacted.
Our Mower Fellow said to me, "He's Mexican."
Happy RT! Jim's Little Blog for mine.
BTW, never eat breakfast early at a restaurant whose sign says 'gourment.' That is license to give the foreigners cold bacon and potatoes which means 'left over from yesterday, sell this first.'
nothing like a chili pepper with a personality.
I love these quaint little images of the chilis!
I saw your comment you left me while I was away about your joining Ruby Tuesday. So glad you joined our little family. :)
Those are really cute murals! Clever...hope the food is good too!
Cute murals. I have murals on mine today to ;)
I like those shots of Mexican chilis! Happy Ruby Tuesday! Thanks for participating in RT! :)
Welcome to ruby tuesday. Nice to have you among the group. I am still playing catch up from my post on Sunday Favorites. Thanks for the visit and the nice comment you left me.
I live in a very small rural town and when I moved here six years ago we had one mexican restaurant. We now have four. We also have one large apartment complex that has gone almost totally Hispanic in that time as well.
If we are not careful our national language will soon be spanish.
Great murals! We have a ton of Mexican restaurants here too and have to be careful to only go to the ones with good "grades".
’Twas one of those days:
good mural, but bad breakfast.
You can’t win ’em all.
My Ruby Tuesday
Cute stomach can't take spicy or I wouldn't be looking for any Mexican food....
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