Camping in a tent is a little hard on old bones. You also get a bit grungy after a few days of spit baths. So on our camping trip every few days we would splurge for a hotel. Counting our pennies we picked local simple joints. We also like the charm of cabins and and the idea of supporting a small business. We picked just such a place in Riverton, Wyoming. It was an old motel the type that had been prevalent before the interstate and chains dominated the scene.
A series of rooms built to resemble cabins formed a square around a court yard. The motel welcomed pets an important component in our decisions these days. Meet Boss here
The courtyard also held a grill for use by the guest. I knew the steak and the sausages in my cooler needed to be used before they became money down the drain so this was an added bonus.
Boss and I sat out on the porch and had several visitors. The motel housed several people that called this little cabin home. Their canine friends came to check out the new arrivals. A lot of friendly sniffing went on. No barking or roughhousing took place, all were well behaved as if a guest had been invited to stay.
Boss and I took a walk around the block. As we came around a large bush I jumped back with a stuffed scream. There were three homeless people huddled under the bush drinking questionable beverages out of a paper sack. Boss is a friendly character and wanted to visit but I hustled him along. We went back to the motel by a different route.
I cooked our dinner as Boss cruised the fenced play yard. We ate later in our room, watched TV, and called it a night. The next morning was a Tuesday and I spotted these three red vehicle. I had to take a picture for Ruby Tuesday. HRT
More Ruby Tuesday

I too find it so right and important to support small, private businesses.
I also find the service is much better, when the owner him/herself are responsible for my well being.
A win-win choice.
I've said hello to the boss.
What a nice companion.
Bet you make a perfect rambler pair.
From Felisol
Nice story. My husband and I stayed at a motel like that in a tiny town in western Nebraska. It was the nicest place we stayed in the whole two week trip.
and look you got the Ruby Red shot in the end!
My daughter would love Boss. She is fond of anyone or thing of the canine persuasion. She even tried shopping for dog toys today, but we don't own a dog.
Love how you got the red cars in for RT.
sounds like you two had a blast! Are you ever going to post of pic of Boss? love to see him!
All pictures of Boss and how he came into my life are linked to meet Boss her in my post. He is a great companion. The man of the house love him too. Thanks all for visiting.
Very American - the red pick-up trucks are my faves :)Me like it!
i love pickup too. so use ful.
Great story. I like the sign for the motel - how cute! And, you not only got one, but three(!) red trucks for your Ruby Tuesday entry.
Thank you for visiting my blog and your nice comment.
Hey Moosh, I read some of your camping experiences. My daughter camped with her ex (while they were married) all the way from Houston to Colorado and back. They rode a motorcycle to boot.
I would be scared of two and four legged beasts, even out in the friendly West.
I also read of your furniture. I realize that you are a writer and everything we see here may or may not be true. Once in a while I tell a little or a tall tail.
Anyway it reminded me of my couch I picked up on the side of the roade once while I had a free life between domesticated lives.
That couch only had three legs so I put an empty paint can under one back corner. That worked nice until I could move in with a fellow who had store bought furnitute.
I like the Boss, he has changed you guys' lives hasn't he? He is a good looking dog. Our Adi, and now also Katrin, has changed ours considerably.
See Adi here. Adi's meme
I love the lineup of red vehicles. Here, ours are mostly small and white and gray.
Love your story of the local hotel. Very Route 66. We have a favorite place in Angels Camp, CA - a local mom and pop place. They are the best.
I read your profile too. I think we have been walking on the same road for a while. Nice to finally meet and say hello.
i n t e r e s t i n g !!!!!!!!
Motel and pick up; both very American.
When I was a kid, my parents and I camped out a lot! But now-a-days, roughing it is a whole 'nother meaning for me.....
Going into a hotel/motel without reservations. That's roughing it.
My R T is posted. It's a small 2 minute video I compiled for You Tube about "Flamingo Fandango". Come visit if you can!! Happy day.
It sounds like a charming place.
Great idea for Ruby Tuesday.
Those are the best kind of trips. Another way to get an adequate and inexpensive bath is the truck stops. For a small fee they will supply you with a private room, towels and even soaps! And if you stick to the more popular truck stops they're also usually quite clean.
Nice photos. I like the sign, and like the cars...perfect RT photos.
nice color of the pick up! interesting!
I enjoyed your tale. I like the way you travel. ;-)
Jim sometimes I emblish for intrest, but the furniture story is all true. We arrived here with camping gear and now have a house of furniture without spending a dime. We also have gotten much neeeded outer wear for when the cold arrives.
Annie nice to meet you. i have found several kindred souls on the inernet.
Thanks to all for visiting and your kind words.
This was a fun post Moosh.. I admire you for going camping. I don't know if I could ever sleep on the ground anymore even though I loved it as a child.... I am glad you have a good man in your life. You deserve it..
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