There is a saying in Montana "we have four disticint seasons sometime all in the same day". Well that is the experience we have had this week. Morning arrived cold and windy the leaves would have been rattling off the trees if they had any, but is is still cold and the little buds have not unfurled there spring colors. Later in the day the wind died down and the sun came out, summer had arrived with temps near 70. Late evening, the sum goes down about eight at this time of year, cold settled in as we huddled around the campfire. A roaring blaze kept our feet toasty warm as we enjoyed libations and a sizzling steak cooked over the open flame. Snuggling in the tent under sleeping bags and blankets we did not even notice the frost, and light snow that fell during the night. That is until I stepped outside at two a.m. for natures call.
Weather aside the day are spent pleasantly reading, tending the fire and watching the birds. I wish I had my bird book so I could identify the little critters. There were some small ones, black backs and white chest flitting through the trees this morning. I think maybe they are of the nut hatch family. Boss is enjoying his freedom when we let him off the lease. There are a great many nookies and crannies to explore. The library is a great place to visit and write but the sun is shinning and in Montana that screams GET OUTSIDE
3 years ago
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