Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Mmm Mmm Good

I was once a cook on a guest ranch. The rich and famous and not so famous came from all over the world to stay. The food was supposed to be delicious, gourmet and attractive. These were sophisticated palates I was cooking for.

I churned out three meals a day six days a week for up to sixty people with one kitchen helper. Homemade bread was served for breakfast and dinner. All cookies and desserts were homemade. Whee! It makes me tired to think about it. I came up with a few tricks to make my life easier.

One included Campbell's tomato soup. Once in a while I would serve grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch. The bread was always a very good quality sour dough filled with an excellent cheddar. The soup was the trick or I like to say my own exquisite creation.

I opened a can of Campbell's and added full fat milk and some cream this gave the soup a very silky texture. No one was worried about fat, they were on vacation. Now is where I got creative. Into the pot went a can of diced tomatoes, a dash of Tabasco and a sprinkle of herbs and spices.

Viola everyone loved my Spicy Tomato Bisque. Sophisticated palates indeed!


Robin said...

What a great trick, I bet they were so conditioned to receiving gourmet food that they never batted an eye.

prkl said...

Gourmet folks didn't notice anything out of ordinary because they was too busy to beeing full of them selfs, I suppose. And with right spices you can make shoebottom taste good if you know what you're doing. You oviously did. Like you said; creative.
Every time I see Cambell's in store I have urge to buy one to decorate my bookself. Have no idea if it's atetable, probably not.. :)

Very nice lil story, thank you so much for sharing!! Happy RT!

Anonymous said...

Campbell's tomato soup is my favorite canned soup.

EG CameraGirl said...

Well, you certainly made me chuckle. ;-) I LOVE stories like that.

tapirgal said...

Nice story and you're making me hungry! I heard one where, a number of years ago, a new gourmet restaurant in Los Angeles was busted for buying pre-packaged meals across the street and putting them in their microwave. The crazy thing is, they'd been getting good reviews! Supposedly that's true. Anyway, I love your story of the soup. It sounds good :)

JuneMoonToon said...

Mmmm, sounds good. Love the personal stories. Tomato soup - perfect for Ruby Tuesday.

Ralph said...

Grilled cheese and tomato soup - that is always a delight! Who needs a sophisticated palate for one of the ultimate comfort food combination. As an aside, our children's grandmother used to melt American cheese in the tomato soup. Delicious your cooking was at the ranch!

Unknown said...

Campbell's soup all dressed up! Sounds yummy. But I know I'd want a another half a sandwich. I LOVE sourdought bread!

Thanks for your blog visit for RUby Tuesday!

cakesandladders said...

thanks for such a clever trick! i am definitely going to try that..the kids love tomato soup, but i will add those spice for the grown ups:) thanks for dropping by too!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the secret ingrediants
i will be trying this at some point next week!

Anonymous said...

I always knew you were smart , and no matter what you cooked it was always the best. And you could make somthing from nothing , and make it look pretty love mom

Anonymous said...

Good post moosh!