This plant is an Azalea also known as a rhododendon it is across the street from my house. When I first saw the plant from a distance I though it was a rose bush. I complemented the neighbor on her green thumb and her roses she quickly corrected me. She explained they had many of these in her native Germany and she had planted this one to remind her of the home she missed. She had fallen in love with an American GI and left her homeland to be with him. The lady passed away a few years ago but her little piece of Germany continues to bloom bringing color and pleasure to us each year. The plant reminds me that sometimes it is the little things in life that are our best legacy.
3 years ago
moosh this is very good keep up this good work
Lovely story and a great photo. As another baby boomer still trying to find herself, I do wish you well. Keep up the good work.
PS. Thank you for visiting my blog.
What a sweet story. You captured the azalea bush well and even got a ruby red brick wall behind it! I hope that this plant provides you with many years of colorful flowers each spring. Thanks for visiting my RT post. Hi from San Ramon...
I think you would get more comments if you changed the setting in your dashboard to comments appearing in a pop-up windows instead of below the post. Many people, including me have trouble leaving comments. The default setting is for embedded comments.
I was looking for directions about the comments. I will write my own. Go to 'settings' in your dashboard. Choose the "COMMENTS" Tab. Look at the list of options. Look for "COMMENT FORM PLACEMENT" and Choose "POP-UP" WINDOW. Also to avoid SPAM look down the page for "Show word verification for comments? and check "YES". Go to the bottom of the page and save the settings. This will make it possible to people to leave comments and protect your comments from spam
Great...this is perfect...@:}
I love your pictures, and that was a sweet story.
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